Things I have contributed to.
Most of the projects are exciting scientific projects I've found during private ones. As you can see, I'm often working on the unittests and documentation of python module.
Don't be shy and take a look. They don't bite 😉
GraalVM Implementation of Python
GraalPy is a high-performance implementation of the Python language for the JVM built on GraalVM.
My work
I worked on identifying compatibility issues with the CPython implementation and using java classes in python code. Moreover, I worked on implementing CRUD operations for a register of Python types as equivalents for Java classes.
A python module to evaluate the finite element method.
Solving systems of coupled partial differential equations by the finite element method in 1D, 2Dm and 3D.
My work
I'm mostly working on documentation.
Symbolic Fitting; fitting as it should be.
The goal of this project is simple: to make fitting in Python pythonic.
My work
I'm mostly working on documentation and the unit tests. Whenever I find a bug during testing, I fix it, of course.
Open Source resource for learning Data Structures & Algorithms and their implementation in any Programming Language.
The goal is to document and model beautiful, helpful, and interesting algorithms using code in any Programming Language.
My work
I'm mostly adding graph algorithms in C++, Python and C#.
Gaussian processes in TensorFlow.
GPflow is a package for building Gaussian process models in Python. It implements modern Gaussian process inference for composable kernels and likelihoods.
My work
I'm mostly working on the optimizer wrapper.